[Read] 9 Ways to Get Back on Track

Spring break has now come and gone. Maybe it ended this past weekend for you or a few weeks ago. Nevertheless, the fun that signifies the pending arrival of the summer is fading a bit, especially with some of the chilly weather we had last week.

Now it’s back to the routine we take on each day and that can be hard. It can be something we piecemeal back together for a few weeks before we realize that we haven’t been doing the things that keep us moving forward.

This could be at home or work, but of course, we are talking about your wellness lifestyle.

At KPF we have a pretty good support system: you get emails and/or texts from our team, and your friends in the Factory Family will reach out and/or ask about you in session. Even more so, they will playfully inform you about your absence when you return.

Accountability is quite useful when it comes from multiple areas.

The truth is, no matter where it’s coming from, or how many sources it’s coming from, that action must come from you!

So, now that you are working to “get back to it” here are 9 self-controlled things that can help.

1. Engage in the Factory Family: Make a decisive effort to engage with members of KPF, before, during, and after sessions. You may find someone that shares more with you than just a workout time. You may find a new friend and training partner.

2. Set reminders with your technology: The most important meeting of the day is the one you make with yourself. If you keep missing, postponing, or canceling your workouts, eventually there won’t be a healthy you to do anything else. Schedule your workouts on your phone, tablet, smartwatch, or smart TV to help remind you of your commitment to yourself.

3. Tell our Team: By telling us in your Quarterly Goal Review session or your next session that you need some help being accountable, you now have told us your intentions. You are less likely to drop the ball on a commitment to one of your coaches than just yourself. 

4. Post it up: Write your goal on something around your home so you can see it and so can people close to you. It’s easy to ignore that reminder on our watch, but it’s a bit harder when that person in your life asks if you worked out today because they saw the reminder on the fridge.

5. Tell the world: Everything else is put on social media: our lunch, our vacations, our breakups, our makeups, our kids’ activities, why not use social media to hold you accountable by telling the world you plan to workout. Nothing like those internet coaches to give you some flack if you missed it.

6. Use progress pictures: It is only you who must be happy with yourself. If you are happy with the way you look, clothed or unclothed, then rock on with your happy self! But, if you are not, then the only person to change it is you. Use pictures to show the progress from where you started to where you are now!

7. Set your Quarterly Goal Review: Don’t just pass off the free one on one meeting our team sets up for you each quarter. These meetings are designed solely to map out plans for your success. No strings attached. We want to help you, but we can’t do that if you say you don’t need/want it.

8. It’s not do or die: Now, if the doctor told you if you didn’t stop doing something unhealthy and start doing something healthy, then maybe it is. But usually, if we get off track with our wellness journey, it’s not the end of the world. So, set the goals, work towards them and if you step out of line, just sort yourself out and keep on going.

9. Celebrate Process Goals: Reaching the goal that you and our team set in your Goal Review Meeting is a grand task. It probably won’t happen quickly. So, along the way, celebrate milestones/smaller goals that you achieve during the process of reaching your goal.

There are many other ways to keep yourself accountable, so find what works for you. Something that worked once might not work forever, so switch things up often to stay excited and motivated about your success.

The 2nd quarter of the year is about to start so be ready for our team to reach out to set up your next Quarterly Goal Review session!


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